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GoodPublic Media

We partner with organizations and provide a hands on approach to brand awareness and marketing. We help People and organizations get out into the community and perform charitable acts. Businesses sponsor the organization, and in return, all members involved share, post, and recognize the sponsor(s) and their contributions to giving back

GoodPublic's Mission 

GoodPublic believes in the power of doing GOOD and giving back. Business shouldn't just be about making a profit, but also what values you stand for, and how you can make a positive difference in the world.​ Every time you use our services, you will help fund six life changing charitable organizations, as well as help support our community service events we perform throughout the year. Please add us on social media to see how we are helping in the community. 

GoodPublic Media: Welcome


Are main focus is to create meaningful and engaging marketing content and campaigns 


Word of mouth marketing
1 week of content saturation/sharing

Human billboard marketing
Out reach on 2-3 social media platforms
Ad creation
Event set up
Develop a content strategy. ...
Create engaging content
Video content
Digital ads
Set up a dashboard to follow influencers, competitors, and customers. ...
Preschedule content for multi-channel sharing

GoodPublic... Do more GOOD in the world!


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This is your Service description. Use this space to describe what the service entails, benefits for users and any other important information. Have a lot to say? Easily turn any item into a full page by clicking ‘Create a page from this item’ in the edit panel.

Women Walking by the Sea


This is your Service description. Use this space to describe what the service entails, benefits for users and any other important information. Have a lot to say? Easily turn any item into a full page by clicking ‘Create a page from this item’ in the edit panel.

A Woman with a Black Hat


This is your Service description. Use this space to describe what the service entails, benefits for users and any other important information. Have a lot to say? Easily turn any item into a full page by clicking ‘Create a page from this item’ in the edit panel.

GoodPublic Media: Services
GoodPublic Media: Image
GoodPublic Media: Instagram


500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158

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GoodPublic Media: Contact
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